Idle Rogue Productions are presenting the very successful
Le Cirque de Nuit again this Easter, with performances at 7pm on March 25
th, 26
th and 27
th and a matinee performance at 2pm on April 26
These will be the only performances of
Le Cirque de Nuit in 2016, however it is envisaged that the production will be scheduled each year as long as it remains fresh and successful.
We are seeking new acts to add to our roster of performers for the
2016 season, and will be holding auditions during the first of February.
Please read the following information about preparing your audition for
Le Cirque de Nuit.
We are also seeking fresh material for our interstitial art, please see below for details.
Dance Performers
Time Requirements:
You must prepare a circus, steampunk or exotically-themed act that would fit into the existing production
Auditions: 5th, 6th and 7th February, 2016
Rehearsals: 12th March
19th March
24th March
Performances: 25th March at 7pm
26th March at 2pm and at 7pm
27th March at 7pm
Idle Rogue Productions uses scripted camera technology by Arrehn
Oberlander, and successful auditions will need to allow additional time
for your cinematography to be completed; these sessions generally take a
couple of hours.
Please note that the final decision on which acts will appear in
which shows rests with the producer-director, chryblnd Scribe, and all
decisions are final.
Act Requirements:
You are required to create an original dance-based act to be performed in real time at performances as outlined above.
Your act must be magical, circus or exotic dance based, with a
steampunk theme. We will be looking for a variety of acts, particularly
circus acts such as acrobatics, tightrope, trained animals and similar.
Illusionists, acrobats, clowns and tarot performers who can stay in
character should consider applying.
Your costume and set must be in monochromatic tones – black, grey
cream and white, no other colours are permitted, except for skin and
Your set must employ the Metaharper Show Tools as supplied by Idle
Rogue Productions, so you must ensure that each component, all prims,
scripts and textures have modify and copy permissions.
Your act must be able to stand alone among those previously presented. We strongly suggest you pay attention to the following:
- Tight, realistic choreography with smooth transitions between animations
- Well-made builds and costumes with baked textures on all visible surfaces
- High quality avatar, high resolution skins and well-made hair and clothing
- We are playing at the elite level of a high-end game. You are expected to have computer equipment sufficient to the task
Le Cirque de Nuit is a loose homage to Erin Morgenstern’s book,
The Night Circus. It is
necessary to have read the book to take part in the show, as we will
not be recreating the story. The novel is set in the Victorian era, and
we have substituted “steampunk” for “Victorian”.
For practical purposes, consider steampunk to be applying an
olde-worlde style to modern concepts, as opposed to Victoriana being old
stuff that looks old J.
As an example, if you can take the ingenuity of Le Cirque de Soleil and make it look steampunk, THAT is the act we want.
For those seeking a better definition of steampunk, please see this
link, and be aware that the subject is covered extensively on the
Music Resources:
Your act should be set to “steampunk” music. We know this is not an
easy genre to define and especially to source material. Some genres you
might find helpful are punk cabaret, glitch hop, electroswing, trip-hop
and folk-noir.
Playlist – steampunk – please note these tracks are NOT your
suggested music, they are a point at which to start searching, for those
who are not familiar with the previous production or the genre
and the playlist of music already used in previous productions is here:
You may not use a song that is currently in the production.
Visual Resources:
collected machinima of the production in 2014 can be viewed here:
Learn more about
The Night Circus on
Tumblr and on
The SL Enquirer
Kat Feldragonne
Second Life Newser
Karima Hoisin
rez SL Magazine
Production Requirements:
Payment: you will be paid a share of all
tips collected during your performance. Idle Rogue Productions divides
every tip between cast and crew. Tips paid privately to you are yours to
Publicity: You are asked to make yourself
available for publicity opportunities that may arise during
pre-production, production and performance. This can include photo
shoots, media events, social media sharing, interviews in addition to
interactions with the audience, prior to, during and after the show.
Essential: Sets must be completely mod/copy
permissions and you must be willing to learn how to use the Metaharper
Show Tools to prepare your act for performance
You must be willing to join inworld groups “Idle Rogue” and “Production Team – Idle Rogue”
Ability to accept constructive criticism and to workshop improvements
Be scrupulous about honouring your commitments
Desirable: Facebook profile to join “Le Cirque de Nuit Production Crew”
Google email address and access to google calendar
Nominating for an audition:
Please create a notecard and name it –
Cirque 2016 Auditions [your avatar name]
Inside the card please nominate two times from the following list to audition:
th , 6
th or 7
th February:
2:00pm 5:00pm
2:30pm 5:30pm
3:00pm 6:00pm
3:30pm 6:30pm
4:00pm 7:00pm
4:30pm 7:30pm
Please also include the name of the song you will perform in the notecard.Drop the notecard to chryblnd Scribe inworld.
Additionally, please email the music you will require for your audition to . Both your nomination for audition and your music should arrive by 2pm on February 1
st, and your audition time will be confirmed upon receipt of your music.
Auditions will be held in front of a panel from the show’s production
team. You should not expect feedback from members of the audition
panel, and will be advised affirmative or negative by February 15
Interstitial Artists

Cirque de Nuit offers an original display medium to artists in the form
of “insterstitial” pieces. These are 90 second breaks between acts,
when the camera is focused on a set piece created by artists working
within SL. The breaks are set to music, and should be in bold colour,
often featuring an avatar, but
not in a dance animation. Excellent examples are the work of Gamma Infinity, which was featured on the
cover of Rez Magazine
in 2014. Other themes have included stiltwalkers, hot air balloons,
psychadelia, scary clowns, aliens, comely candy apples and much more.
Some can be seen in the youtube videos noted above, and photographs are
available on request.
Art works are fully credited and promoted.
If you are interested in submitting art for consideration for an
intertstitial display, please contact Arrehn Oberlander to discuss