Live Entertainment mavericks Idle Rogue continue their juggernaut presence in the Second Life environment, this weekend opening a newly built theatre, gallery and club venue on the sim, while the infamous Guerilla Burlesque Revue resumes performances from this Friday.
Built by Chryblnd Scribe and Chewie Quixote, the new theatre is designed to be a lighter and brighter space, while still maintaining the originality for which Idle Rogues are so well known. The theatre has been named The Ariellum:
'Named for the magical sprite of Shakespere's The Tempest, the Ariellum
is a theater that, like it's name sake, combines the finest virtues of
humanity with it's own unquenchable desire for freedom and light. An
alchemy of air and magic, the Ariellum serves as a true servant who
serves the highest goal of all- Art.'
(Thanks to Matt Baldoni for this contribution, Matt, please feel free to come and write copy for me any time!)
The redesigned building offers a more egalitatrian seating arrangement - seats are still reserved for the fee-paying Guerilla Burlesque Exclusive fan group, but we have set the seating out in tiers that allow you to sit with your friends who may not be fan club members, which many exclusive fans felt was important. You like to bring new friends to meet us, and we like them to feel welcome when they get here, so we hope the new arrangement suits everyone.
Our seating is now laid out so that every seat is within chat range of the stage; this is for both the audience's viewing comfort, as it should make it easier for you to see fully rezzed sets and dancers, with animations correctly synchronised and additionally, it allows the dancers to hear your comments and especially applause, which is something they rather enjoy.
Eventually it is intended that we will configure a kind of "holodeck" arrangement inside the theatre, allowing us to set up different seating and staging configurations and a wider range for performances and events.

Commencing Saturday night (May 14th) we are delighted to welcome the contribution of Ed Aulder to the Idle Rogue family. Ed will curate a small art collection for the new Rogues Gallery portico on the eastern side of the theatre, and his opening exhibition features works from Bianca Xavorin and Milly Sharple. With sponsorship from Franney and Chry, we're planning a small but inclusive party to celebrate the new venue, which we hope will provide a thought provoking interlude for those who appreciate such things. Blues icon JavaJoe MacIntyre will perform at 7pm and the event is open to all. It's also an unofficial birthday party for Ed, so please do come along and wish him well!
Of course the sim continues to provide a respectable front for the shenanigans at After Dark, one of Second Life's premier live music venues run by the unfailingly charming Meegan Danitz and her equally alluring crew, be sure to stay in touch with their calendar and blog for events four night each week.
We're hosting a birthday party for chry on May 21st, it's a Very Big Birthday so you can expect a great lineup of music and some fun and games from the Rogues.
And don't forget to check out the Metaharpers stage on the sim, where you can rez stages from some of Second Life's best dancers and click to make yourself the star of the show!
(cross posted to
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