Monday, February 16, 2015

New Season of Guerilla Burlesque starts March 6

We have a new schedule for the first season of Guerilla Burlesque for 2015, and it features some amazing dancers. Old faces and new adorn this schedule, which will commence on March 6th, running through to May 15th, and will include a run of performances by Le Cirque de Nuit across the first weekend in April.

We are delighted to welcome Gloriana Maertens back to the stage, after an extended break building the most beautiful stage sets on the grid. Empyrean Forge's Master Blacksmith Rahpture returns to the stage, as well as steampunk maven Kait Tomorrow.

We are debuting two new dancers this season - Anashara, whose memorable performance as Stella Mayfair marked her baptism-by-fire, and the very popular Franny, who promises to inject some badass rock into the roster.

Last season's stellar debutantes, Imrhien Fargis, Maeve Branner and Tray Porthos have graduated into accomplished soloists and join the impressive and much loved ongoing cast - Aubreya, Azabella, Blaze, Chewie, Deb, Gamma, Jess, Meegan, Oods, Shadow, Sho, Thea and Zahra are all signed on for another whirl, and Cyllene Dembo has finally committed to a brace of dates as a regular dancer.

We look forward to welcoming Chandra Meehan back as a guest performer, and promise intriguing things from DoraMaar, whose smoking hot work with Winds of The Sahara brought her to our attention. And finally, the legendary Madison Pinelli has agreed to stay up late with us just one time, and we promise you will adore this true superstar at her work.

We also welcome the intriguing Lindy Hopper to the Guerilla Burlesque corps and look forward to watching her reignite her formidable talents. Guerilla Burlesque Corps provide a very necessary substance to our work, and we love them dearly.

Now the only thing missing is you, our dedicated audience, who patiently arrive early and stay late to share the fun with us, and who always make us feel like we made something good happen. We can't wait to see you in March, we've missed you!

Other cool things:
The Metaharpers Interactive Gallery on Idle Rogue allows you to rez stage sets from our well-known dance routines and participate in them as the dancer. Call into the Acuo Theatre and look for the signboard at stage right. Click on the graphic for the act that interests you and watch as the stage set rezzes. Then sit on the prim, allow a few seconds to cache your animations, and the magic begins.  Jo Balogh has a couple of photos here and there are a few from our launch party here, but the most fun is trying it, and make sure to send us a copy if you get some good photos!

Don't forget, voting is open for the AviChoice awards, and Guerilla Burlesque is nominated. Only one vote per ISP, but if you haven't yet cast yours, drop by and have your say, this is a rare opportunity for dancers, entertainers and artists to gauge their popularity.

And auditions for this year's season of Le Cirque de Nuit are shaping up to be very exciting - if you haven't put your name down to audition yet, what are you waiting for? Details are here, on this very blog! Run away and join the Circus!

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